Human Optimization is a clinical and scientific approach that seeks to bring the person to an optimal body and brain functioning level.

In practice, it is the process of taking full advantage of the natural physiological capabilities of the human being, in order to achieve the highest Health, Performance and Vitality.

It is only when the brain and body work optimally that it is possible for each person to manifest their full potential and to live life without limitations and conditioning.



In order to achieve optimization it is necessary to create an internal physiological environment that respects the needs of the organism. When there is a conflict between what the person needs and what is provided, by the lifestyle, for example, the organism undergoes a disturbance that leads to the physiological dysregulation, generating a set of problems of Health, Performance and Vitality.

The intervention of the Saúde Escudeiro is to find this symbiosis so that the optimization occurs naturally.


At Saúde Escudeiro we survey your physiological state and your needs and identify your natural biological rhythms.

Armed with this knowledge, we have developed a plan to change its functioning and meet the physiological needs that prevents Health, Performance and Vitality.

Optimization programs

It is the mode of intervention in which the entire optimization process can be carried out with total autonomy by the person.

The person will receive the guidelines and instructions necessary to carry out the program without needing any clinical support. The application of strategies, methodologies and tools follows a generalized approach and the programs are designed to allow each person, with autonomy, to adapt the process to their concrete case, taking into account their physiological specificities.


The program aims to help the person to know their Current Physiological State (EFA), as well as their natural biological rhythms, which are the key elements for your body to function optimally (Zone of Optimal Physiological Functioning – ZOFF).

Every human being has a natural internal functioning that is his own, constituting himself as a physiological fingerprint. When the body is allowed to be in this state it naturally expresses Health, Performance, and Vitality. Knowing your body, knowing what is good for you and what harms you is the only way to give you what it needs.

This program is for evaluation only, it analyzes the internal state and compares it with an optimized state. Does not include strategies or directions to get an optimized state.


The Supervit Program provides generalized strategies, methods and tools that anyone can use to create changes in the functioning of their body and brain that allow them to take advantage of their natural resources to achieve optimization or solve specific problems of Health, Performance or Vitality.

In this program there is no identification of the Current Physiological State, which is the internal state of the person, or the Zone of Optimal Physiological Functioning, which is the state in which the person would function optimally.

To obtain this information, you must do the EFA + ZOFF Program, which focuses on the evaluation, or the Clinical Active Program, which involves evaluation and intervention.


The Clinical Active Program is aimed at those who want to take their body and brain for maximum optimization, whether or not in the presence of any disturbance of Health, Performance or Vitality.

The program begins with an analysis of the Current Physiological State and the identification of the Zone of Optimal Physiological Functioning in which the person should be for its optimization (EFA + ZOFF).

The second phase is the indication, teaching and application of strategies, methodologies and customized tools, to take the person from where he is physiologically to where he should be for maximum optimization.

Custom Optimization Support

It is the mode of intervention in which the whole process is thoroughly accompanied by a clinician to facilitate the application of the approach to the specific case of each person.

It includes the orientation during the physiological evaluation and during the application of the strategies, methodologies and tools, being able to make the necessary adjustments in real time to obtain results.

It is a more supported process than the intervention through one of the Optimization Programs, which requires total autonomy and is less personalized.

The monitoring is done through a set of face-to-face sessions, interspersed by others using video conferencing (Skype) or similar.

Some of the optimization actions are carried out at our facilities.

Specific Optimization Protocols

This modality allows access to a vast set of protocols developed specifically to solve common problems of health, performance and vitality, with which people are faced regularly.

Exclusive Optimization Protocols

The exclusive protocol mode is a service that allows customers to acquire an optimization protocol that will be created specifically by request of these, to solve a desired situation.

Optimization in Schools

The ‘Growing with Health, Performance and Vitality’ project aims to support schools in establishing the structuring pillars on which to build appropriate social behavior, emotional stability and the executive capabilities needed for growth.

These pillars depend on the creation of an internal physiological state conducive to optimizing the growth, development and learning of children and adolescents.

Saúde Escudeiro’s intervention has two levels. The first is aimed at teaching professionals and actors in the school process, as well as parents and educators. The second level focuses directly on children and adolescents.

Optimization for Physical Activity Professionals

Saúde Escudeiro supports physical activity professionals who want to help their clients to achieve an optimized life in terms of their Health, Performance and Vitality by promoting a lifestyle and actions that lead to the necessary physiological regulation.

Through a process of evaluation of the physiological state, physiological data are extracted that are essential to elaborate more effective training plans. Additional specific guidelines are also provided that enable the practitioner to amplify the beneficial effects of physical activity and other practices that may be included in the training plan. Collaboration also addresses the resolution of clinical problems that sometimes limit clients’ potential to engage in physical activity.

Optimization for Clinics

Saúde Escudeiro provides a service for clinicians from various perspectives and paradigms, from medicine to non-conventional therapies, including complementary therapies such as massage, Reiki, among others.

This service supports the clinician in his evaluation and therapeutic process, complementing his intervention with data extracted by our process of physiological evaluation that deepen the means at his disposal to help the users.

Additional specific guidelines are also provided which allow the clinician to amplify the beneficial effects of his therapeutic intervention.

The collaboration also covers the resolution of clinical problems of its users that sometimes are beyond the professional boundaries or area of interest of the clinician.

Institutional Optimization Events

The service of optimization for institutions has two components.

One focuses on the organization of events exclusively aimed at promoting, in the participants, a state of physiological optimization.

The second component focuses on the creation of optimization actions in events that, although they have other nuclear objectives, the optimization can be a relevant complement, for example, promoting the cognitive productivity or the reduction of stress of the participants.

Course Dynamic Human Optimization

This course teaches you how to manage life according to the principles of Human Optimization, which is a dynamic and continuous process throughout life. The body and the brain undergo constant fluctuations in their needs over time, which requires identification.

Likewise, the effects that the physiological activation modalities have on the person have to be managed, since their effectiveness is also variable.

By following the principles that will be taught and adopting the practical applications recommended, it will be possible to navigate the circumstances and challenges that characterize the person’s life, always in an optimized state.

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