According to the concept of Human Optimization, Saúde Escudeiro provides to high performance people their clinical and scientific knowledge, helping them to achieve an optimal level of brain and physical performance for their personal or professional activities.

Saúde Escudeiro Sponsorships


Aware that Human Optimization contributes to the enhancement of the natural resources of each of its clients, Saúde Escudeiro partners can count with a team that accompanies them in solving concrete problems that disturb the  balance between Health, Performance and Vitality.

Elder Santos

With the objective of improving the functionality and autonomy of the general physical condition or sports performance, Elder Santos practices his profession with seniors, athletes or in the context of post rehabilitation.

His intervention is focused on differentiated techniques in order to provide a better individual involvement and approach.

(+351) 919 363 647


Jovem Academia

Dynamic pillar of the development of young people who, as a team, discover their value, become aware of changes they wish to produce in their lives and are responsible for achieving their dreams, always in a positive and balanced environment.

Facebook: /JovemAcademia
Instagram: @jovemacademia
(+351) 917 375 357 / (+351) 918 182 259

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